=========================== Map Title : Super Mario World Map Version : 1.00 Creator : jerkan E-mail : jerkan@net.hr website: www.jerkanmaps.weebly.com Date : April 2012 ============================ Game : Call of Duty 4 MOD: DeathRun Map size: large ============================= Summary: - This map is based on Super Mario Bros. - 146 Custom textures and new Custom Sky made by me, made to look as original Super Mario game. - 15 traps - Map has a secret area, and things that players can find. - Awsome ingame music and sound effects from the original game. - Moving turtles. Jump on the turtle to kill and won XP. - Pick up coin and won XP points. - Find a green mushroom for extra life - Find Star for double speed - Find Jukebox and change ambient sound - 3 ways to kill activator. Old, Sniper and rendom Weapons. (Jump into the picture to choose...) - You must find the key to open the final door. (If you choose Old) - and much more... Enjoy and have fun ============== Credits: Thanks BraXi for a great mod and help. Thanks Rednose for help Thanks to DaWizz for a knight model. Thanks to http://wiki.modsrepository.com, http://www.codutility.com, http://www.inext-gaming.com, http://www.moddb.com and http://braxi.cba.pl/forum/ for the great website and forum. Thanks to www.zeroy.com/script/ Thanks to Infinity Ward for providing the tools/assets. Thanks to all for playing the map and reporting errors.