====================================================================== Map Title : mp_sconsegrad Map Version : 1 Author : Le_sconse E-mail : mdl_lafleur@hotmail.com Website : http://wbdteam.free.fr/ ====================================================================== Game : Call of Duty 4 Supported Gametype : Multiplayer : Deathmatch : Team Deathmatch : Sabotage : Domination : Search and Destroy : Headquarters Map Size : 10-40 : Medium/large Map ====================================================================== Contents of this Package : 2x .ff 1x .iwd 5x Screenshots Readme ====================================================================== Installation Instructions: Extract mp_sconsegrad folder to [root]/CoD4/usermaps (create folder if missing) Rcon name for map is "mp_sconsegrad" ====================================================================== Construction Time : 20 weeks Map Build Info : Brushes 14600 : Model Entities Prefabs 4036 Known Bugs : Map is created Sas vs Spetsnaz but works only with mods that have the _teams.gsc updated. If you play this on a server and it is not SAS vs Spetsnaz, you may need to inform the Mod Creator that that they need to update their _teams.gsc. This problem should be corrected in 1.6 patch. The correct player models will definitely be shown whilst using the customMaps Mod. Average FPS : 90FPS ====================================================================== Project Info : sconsegrad is a mix from map like sconseville and sconseheim (cod2 map) with a lot of passage to join objective in safe, as well as many places to protect itself, this map concept is for tactical game this map is compilated in fast and not in extra the future update will be compilated in extra ====================================================================== Thank You to : Comunity Caskami fr : Narcozz/Zeroy (for helicopter)/Alf/team WBD for their advice ====================================================================== Feedback : All feedback is welcome! Please email me with any problems or comments. Thanks for downloading, and Enjoy! This map can be found on the '' server : [WBD]-Tactical Realism Team [Waffenbruder] Mod WBD IP du serveur