***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ****This is a development copy and as such should not be taken as final - there will be problems and this will not be usable yet on servers. It is merely for the curious**** ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ====================================================================== Map Title : mp_lane (working title, village edge or something more appropriate in mind) Map Version : 0.9a Orginal creator :Philip Daly (himotep/spaffdog) Recreated & Modified By : E-mail :mr____t@hotmail.com Website :buildingmyworkd.webs.com Date :14/08/2010 ====================================================================== ====================================================================== Notes: My first big project since Enemy territory days. I've been working on multiple maps and projects in the mean time but this one has evolved from being my dev playground while familiarising myself with the newest radiant (i'm used to gtk+qe) This is an early alpha release -short of beta as spawns/flag placement and other game modes as well as help support and various other things that make the mp components of cod4. Most of the brush/patch/texture work and model placement is complete. This will not be usable yet as various things need fixing/adding. splines for air suport none existant. . command map needs fixing as only appearing in compass - needs expanding as the engine is filling in where map size/visible area are incorrect. highlighted at edges of the playable area. more fx (final placements of dust etc) vis/portal placement could do with being looked at as well before final as map is very open. Don't worry about the ridiculously high or in some cases low light values, thats me trying a few things :) anyway I'm rambling.. there's loads to do but hey.. it's an alpha :) hope you like it ====================================================================== Game : Call of Duty 4 Supported Gametype : Deathmatch : Team Deathmatch : Domination (3 flags) : Map Size : Mod tested Ok : ====================================================================== Contents of this Package : mp_lane.ff mp_lane.ff mp_lane.iwd ====================================================================== Installation Instructions: Place the mp_lane folder within your USERMAPS folder ====================================================================== Construction Time :8 months on and off when time allowed =================================== Credits/Thanks : Thanks to Infinity Ward for providing the tools/assets and RGN wiki - most of what i didn't know was gathered from here, as well as the readme layout :P ====================================================================== Additional Notes : All original and composed textures or assets in this modification remain property of the sources respective owners. ======================================================================