------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Map Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Map Name: mp_fr_mogadishu_v2 (|[FR]| MOGADISHU) Version: 2.0 Release: 14/08/2008 Map Size: Small (16 players suggested max, although spawns support up to 32) Author: |[FR]|FOX Email: fox@teamfr.fr Website: www.teamfr.fr ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -This is my first map for Call of Duty 4 that isn't sniper only. Original map was made for Vcod & UO by Sgt Daniel R O'neil and it was a very big hit. I have done a COD2 (available on Codutility and on my website) version. This is the first time i add all gametypes so feel free to comment or suggest me some modifications in order to have better gameplay (be accurate and put some screenshots if needed) -Update 09/03/2009: Adding tunnels moving SD spawns and SD bomb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Supported Game Features ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stock Gametypes: - Free for All - Team Deathmatch - Headquarters - Search & Destroy - Domination - Sabotage Additional Mod-Implemented Gametypes: * - Capture the Flag - Capture the Flag Back - Hold the Flag - Capture and Hold Supported Hardpoints: - UAV / Minimap - Airstrikes ( Stock / Napalm * / Nuke * ) - Helicopter - AC-130 Gunship *: You must be running a mod that implements these features. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Installation: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Browse to your Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare install folder (Normally "C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare") - If there is a folder called "usermaps", browse to that folder, if not then create it now. - In the "usermaps" folder create a new folder and call it "mp_fr_mogadishu" - Put the following files in the newly created "mp_lpost" folder: mp_fr_mogadishu_v2.ff mp_fr_mogadishu_load_v2.ff mp_fr_mogadishu_v2.iwd - The map is now installed. To uninstall simply delete the "mp_fr_mogadishu_v2" folder Tested with: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Basic operation has been verified* with the following mods: - X4 2.0 http://www.mycallofduty.net *:When I say verified, I mean I can start a server with the relevant mod and the map loads and runs each supported gametype as expected without any errors. Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Sgt Daniel R O'neil for original map - Team |[FR]| for testing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THIS MATERIAL IS NOT MADE OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------