====================================================================== Base Info ====================================================================== Title : mp_barn SoF2 Author : Ravensoft CoD4 Author : dgx (Its my first map for CoD4...) ====================================================================== Game/Gametypes/Size ====================================================================== Game : Call of Duty 4 Supported Gametype : Deathmatch : Team Deathmatch : Headquarters : Search and Destroy : Domination : Sabotage : Capture the Flag (OpenWarfare / ACE) : (Greate for Gungame) Map Size : 4-12 : Small Map ====================================================================== Description ====================================================================== This is a convert version from SoF2. SoF2 Version by Ravensoft, CoD4 version by me. There is no Oldshool support. ====================================================================== Installation Instructions ====================================================================== Place the mp_barn foldier into your usermaps. Example: C:\Programm files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\usermaps is there no "usermaps" foldier, create one. To run this map, start a mod and type in your console /map mp_barn and have fun. ====================================================================== Construction ====================================================================== Construction Time : 26h Custom Content : Textures Known Bugs : airstrike doesnt work in a barn :) Textures are from SoF2 (Ravensoft) ====================================================================== Credit to Other Authors ====================================================================== Ravensoft (for creating the map for Soldier of Fortune 2 and the textures) ====================================================================== Special Thanks ====================================================================== Ravensoft (great map) Modsonline.com BBS|DeathWalkR People who sent me in bugs ======================================================================= Extra Info ======================================================================= Info: Ich nehm keinerlei verantwortung auf eventuelle Schäden, sobalt Sie diese Map gedownloaded haben, sind Sie damit einverstanden. Mit dieser Map wurde keinerleih Geld verdient, sie wurde überwiegend für SoF2 Fans gemacht die die alte Zeit wieder auffrischen möchten ohne groß SoF2 neu installieren zu müssen. You like SoF2 Maps? I've created mp_shop2, too. Q:Why not on codutility.com? A:Its over 100MB, the map has to mutch costum textures with normal and specular map. mp_shop2 download: http://shooter-szene.4players.de/module-Downloads-display-lid-3645-ttitle-CoD4_Map_mp_shop2.phtml or join: