Installing SourceMod / MetaMod
SourceMod is a popular mod for Source based game servers,
generally used to give other user admin priveledges without giving them
your rcon password. The following is a step by step guide on how to
install it onto your server.
Getting the appropriate files
SourceMod runs off another plugin called MetaMod:Source.
The first step is to go and get the MetaMod:Source files. Head to their
website and download the latest version to your computer. At the time
of writing there are 2 version of MetaMod:Source - 1.4.4 and 1.6.2. For
original Source engine (for games such as Counter-Strike:Source and any games running from your srcds_l folder, you need to grab the 1.4.4 version. For games running from your orangebox folder (Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source) , you need to grab 1.6.2.
Once you have downloaded the files, extract them to a convenient location on your computer, you should end up with an 'addons' folder.
Next next step is to download the SourceMod files, you can grab them from here. Again, extract them to a convenient place on your computer. You should end up with a folder called 'Sourcemod-1.0.4' (version number may change).
Uploading the files
The first step in doing this is to connect to your game servers FTP,
using the details provided in the welcome email. Now browse to srcds_l/<game>, <game> being which ever mod you wish to install SourceMod for. In this example we will be installing it for Counter-Strike:Source. We will browse to srcds_l/cstrike. You should see a structure similar to the one below.

We first need to install MetaMod, to do this we simpy drag and drop
the entire 'addons' folder into this directory. Once done you should
have a struture similar to this:

Once done, we will now need to create a .vdf file. This file is a
simple text file that is used by your server to load 3rd party plugins.
You can either create this manually or head to the MetaMod:Source
website and have one automatically created for you. If you wish to
create it manually open up NotePad and copy the text below (the one
relating to your game - if your game is not listed you will need to
change the file to your mods folder).
"file" "../cstrike/addons/metamod/bin/"
Day of Defeat: Source
"file" "../dod/addons/metamod/bin/"
Team Fortress 2
"file" "../tf/addons/metamod/bin/"
Save this file as metamod.vdf and upload it to 'srcds_l/<game>/addons'. Restart your server then connect to it, bring down your server console and type 'meta version'. You should see 'Loaded As: Valve Server Plugin'. If you don't, please see the section 'What to do if it doesn't work' at the bottom.
Uploading SourceMod
In your SourceMod folder you should see 2 folders - addons and cfg. Upload both of these folders to srcds_l/<game>.

Within your addons folder you should now have metamod and sourcemod as well as your metamod.vdf file.

The final stage is to let MetaMod load SourceMod. To do this browse to your MetaMod folder and edit the file metaplugins.ini. This is a simple text file again, so you can open it in NotePad. Add the line 'addons/sourcemod/bin/sourcemod_mm' to the bottom of this file, so it looks similar to the one below.

Re-upload this file and overwrite the old one. Once done, restart
your server and SourceMod should now be loaded onto your server.
What to do if it never worked?
1) Check all the files have been uploaded correctly.
2) Check you have downloaded the correct version of MetaMod (1.4.4 for Counter-Strike Source etc, 1.6.2 for TF2, DOD:S etc).
3) Check MetaMod is installed and running correctly - if it isn't then
check you have created the .vdf file correctly and it is for the right
4) Check you have set MetaMod to load SourceMod through the metaplugins.ini file.
5) Submit a support ticket through the help desk if you have checked all of the above and are still stuck.