HLTV Instructions

What is HLTV?

HLTV HLTV is a standalone program that allows you to connect
directly to a Half-Life game
server and either record demos of the game or allows you to stream a
match live over the internet. The HLTV demos allow you to watch the demo
back from anyone's point of view, which makes it extremely
useful for catching cheats or learning tactics.

How do you connect to an existing HLTV Server?

Searching for a Game
To find a game using HLTV, start Steam, and select Servers from the Steam menu to open the server browser. Click to select the Spectate tab. You can narrow the list of servers by clicking Change filters and selected a specific game. After the list has been updated, double click on a server in the list you want to spectate and you'll be connected.
You Know the IP Address Information
If you already know the ip address information of the HLTV that you are attempting to connect to you can add the ip address to your favorites and connect to it there. Or through your console menu you can type the ip address after the connect command:
(replacing the ip address information given with the ip address information you are attempting to connect to)
The default HLTV port number is 27020. The port number can be changed so make sure you are attempting to connect to the correct port. It may not be running on the same default 27015 port as the game server.
To find a game using HLTV, start Steam, and select Servers from the Steam menu to open the server browser. Click to select the Spectate tab. You can narrow the list of servers by clicking Change filters and selected a specific game. After the list has been updated, double click on a server in the list you want to spectate and you'll be connected.
You Know the IP Address Information
If you already know the ip address information of the HLTV that you are attempting to connect to you can add the ip address to your favorites and connect to it there. Or through your console menu you can type the ip address after the connect command:
(replacing the ip address information given with the ip address information you are attempting to connect to)
The default HLTV port number is 27020. The port number can be changed so make sure you are attempting to connect to the correct port. It may not be running on the same default 27015 port as the game server.

How to Broadcast HLTV (Connect HLTV to Your Game Server)

HLTV is a standalone application that must be enabled before it will run,
therefore there is no way to enable HLTV from inside your game server. If
you are renting a server from a game server provider, then they may have to
either add HLTV into your account for you or your account may have HLTV already
added for you by default.
If you have full control over your server then start the HLTV application by double clicking on the HLTV.exe application in your Counter-Strike directory and the HLTV console will open.
You can name your HLTV server by typing the following into the command prompt that opens:
name "My HLTV Proxy"
Next, you need to connect your HLTV to the game server ip address you want it to run through by typing the following into the command prompt:
(The is just an example. Replace that with your game server ip address)
If you now type in "status" into the command prompt it'll give you all of your HLTV server information (ip address, port, etc.)
If you have full control over your server then start the HLTV application by double clicking on the HLTV.exe application in your Counter-Strike directory and the HLTV console will open.
You can name your HLTV server by typing the following into the command prompt that opens:
name "My HLTV Proxy"
Next, you need to connect your HLTV to the game server ip address you want it to run through by typing the following into the command prompt:
(The is just an example. Replace that with your game server ip address)
If you now type in "status" into the command prompt it'll give you all of your HLTV server information (ip address, port, etc.)

Camera Angle

Once connected to the HLTV server you can spectate in different modes. Press the "Jump" key to change modes or switch to the
spectator menu by pressing the "Duck" key.

Recording Games

You must connect to the HLTV proxy before you can record demos. Type the
following into your console window in order to record.
record demoname
Demo recording can be stopped with the command:
The demo files will be saved in the current Mod directory, e.g. \cstrike. All demo files have a similar name including the given name, date/time and map name:
record demoname
Demo recording can be stopped with the command:
The demo files will be saved in the current Mod directory, e.g. \cstrike. All demo files have a similar name including the given name, date/time and map name:

Re-Playing Recorded Games

The demo file can be played back just like a normal client demo. You'll
need to download the demo onto your own personal computer. Then type the
following command into your console window and load the demo file using the GUI.
playdemo demoname
Example: playdemo match1-06050302-de_dust.dem
viewdemo demoname
Example: playdemo match1-06050302-de_dust.dem
playdemo demoname
Example: playdemo match1-06050302-de_dust.dem
viewdemo demoname
Example: playdemo match1-06050302-de_dust.dem

What are the Various Commands I can Execute With HLTV?

There is an hltv.cfg file that the following commands can be placed in (in the
same directory as the hltv.exe file). When the server starts up they will
be executed. They can also be ran on the HLTV server.
connect <IP:Port>
connect <IP:Port>
connect HLTV proxy to game server (default port 27015)
disconnects proxy from server, but doesn't stop the
broadcast. All spectator clients stay connected.
disconnects from server, disconnects all clients and stops demo recording. Optional goodbye message.
quits the HLTV process
retries the last server connection
if enabled, proxy will retry connection to server if connection was interrupted for any reason
sets the HLTV proxy scoreboard name
sets the HLTV host name for game browser list
sets the game server password
sets password for RCON & commentator
sets password for other relay proxies
sets spectator password. Will also exclude proxy from global load balancing.
lists connected spectator clients
lists connected relay proxies
lists players on game server
kicks a spectator client from proxy
banns an IP address (completely ignored)
removes all IPs from bann list
sends a text message to game server (chat with players)
sends a text message to all spectators as big HUD text
same as msg, but only seen by local clients
forwards console command to game server
forwards a console command to all clients of
given group: 1=spectators, 2=proxies, 3=all
loopcmd will execute <string> every <n> seconds. <id> is a number
between 1 and 64 to identify this loopcmd. "loopcmd <id> none" will disable a looping command again. loopcmd without
any parameter will list any command currently in the list.
console commands that will be executed by local spectator clients after connection is established.
Commands may be separated by semicolons.
set spectator number limit for this proxy (default 128)
delays the game stream for n seconds on the Master Proxy. The default value is 30 seconds to avoid cheating. If the
delay is set to a value below 10 seconds (e.g. 0), the auto director function will be disabled.
bandwidth rate the game server sends data to the proxy
game updates per seconds send from server to proxy
sets the maximum bandwidth rate for spectator clients
sets the acceptable packet loss rate, default value is 0.05 (5%). If
packet loss is higher, new spectator clients will be rejected.
maximum of status queries per second requested by server browsers
Dispatch mode 1 (AUTO) will redirect connecting clients to other proxies
balancing work load between all proxies. In dispatch mode 2 (ALWAYS)
spectator clients will be redirected, so this proxy serves only as
dispatcher. Dispatch mode 0 (OFF) won't redirect any clients.
if public is 1, game server IP will be visible to spectators and 'joingame' is allowed.
info text clients will see as reject reason if HLTV isn't broadcasting yet
if chatmode is 0, spectators can't chat. If set to 1, only spectators
connected to the same proxy can see
their chat messages. In chatmode 2 all spectators can chat between each
other (then Master and all Relay proxies must have set chatmode 2).
specifies a TGA file (RGBA) that will be shown as logo in spectator GUI.
pings a HL server on the given port (default 27015)
if enabled, proxy won't register at WON master servers
if enabled, proxy will register at WON master server
sends manually a status packet to WON master servers
set the region your HLTV proxy is located in
sends a remote control command to other servers
sets the remote control target address
sets the password for the remote controlled host
number of cheering players must be above this threshold to play the cheering sound (by default 0.25).
if set, all incoming voice data is blocked. This is useful to override
incoming voice commentators or player voice with own commentators voice.
shows all registered proxy commands
starts/stops console logging in "logfile<date>.log"
shows proxy status information
shows all loaded HLTV modules and versions
executes a .cfg file
prints a text to HLTV console
additional debug messages are shown in developer mode
records all following games to demo files using name
stops recording a demo file
starts broadcasting a demo file

Command Line Variables

-port <n>
sets the HLTV proxy port that spectators connect to (default 27020)
forces the proxy to use this IP on a multihomed host
sets a master server info file other than woncomm.lst
disables any DNS resolving (useful for LAN proxies)
sets maximum system cycles per seconds (default 100)
starts the HLTV proxy as high priority process
proxy enables special Steam support
developer mode